LakePointe is a place to BELONG as you CHANGE 


Belong, Change, Follow Jesus is all about encountering God's unconditional love . . . LakePointe exists to walk beside you and guide you as you experience God and the life change He brings through Jesus.  Whether you are unsure about God, or who Jesus is, or have been following Him for a long time, you are welcome at LakePointe.







Everyone belongs at LakePointe.  No matter the color of your skin, your social status, or your daily struggles, God loves you right where you are. At LakePointe you can bring your "baggage," whatever that may be, and know you are in a safe place to experience a God that will change your life.




As we experience God's love, He changes us. The Bible says this: “...but God shows us his love for us in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us.” (Romans 5:8) The beauty of Jesus is that He loves us where we are, yet loves us too much to want us to stay there. 




Life can be tough, and sometimes it's difficult to know which way to turn. Jesus invites us to Follow HIm. As we daily look to Jesus to lead us, life begins to make sense. At LakePointe, we realize life is a journey filled with sweet victories, heartbreaking losses, and everything in between.  At LakePointe we are on this journey together, following Jesus. 

Weekend Worship Experience

Sundays at 10:00am

PointeBreak Youth (7th-12th)


6:00 pm - 7:00 pm

Connect Groups

Meet throughout the week on the LP campus or in homes. 

Email to sign up or get more info.

1343 Albert Pike Road

Hot Springs, AR 71913



We love what God is doing at LakePointe City Church.  We strive to be a church without walls.  This means that you can follow along online and still be engaged and make a difference right where you are by hearing a message of God's love that will change your life.